Personal Growth Subgroup

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Yahoo Group


This group is looking for a lead. Please contact Bijoy if you're interested (bijoy AT yahoo)


The Personal Growth Bootstrapping Subgroup is a wide network of entrepreneurs in the personal growth industry who have a passion for sharing and contributing their unique gifts to others and to the world. As a group, we share our ideas openly and freely with eachother for the purpose of:

  1. Sharing and contributing to eachother;
  2. Gaining insights, business ideas, and other resources that may further our own businesses and careers;
  3. Making friends and networking with others in this industry;
  4. Personally growing!

We meet periodically in order to present our ideas to eachother, discuss the connections between various personal growth techniques or philosophies, and to support eachother in our various business ideas and ventures. From time to time we host free conferences for the bootstrap community, in which talks and workshops are given on various personal growth topics that may enhance people's lives or businesses.


To form a strong network of men and women who are making a difference in this world through the personal/spiritual growth industry.


Thriving businesses all over the world that are successfully transforming lives through the various approaches to personal and/or spiritual growth.