Bootstrap City

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This is a service offered by the Bootstrap Network to cities.

Many economic development initiatives focus heavily on attracting large companies or investors. Less attention is paid to the most powerful economic asset already available to a community - it's latent and existing entrepreneurs.

In Austin the Bootstrap Network partners with the Small Business Development Program to offer the live Bootstrap Bootcamp and is listed as a key resource for entrepreneurs by the Austin Chamber of Commerce.

The Bootstrap Network offers its services to other city economic development offices, Chambers of Commerce and other local organizations to activate and support bootstrap entrepreneurs and communities.


  1. Start your bootstrap journey with The Human Fabric book on founding teams and the Bootstrap Bootcamp DVD explaining the bootstrap process
  2. Educate City Leadership through interactive talks and Boot Speak sessions (half, one and two-day)
  3. Teach bootstrapping principles via live or online Bootstrap Bootcamps
  4. Create, organize and manage a local bootstrap chapter similar to Bootstrap Austin
  5. Deploy city-specific web-based infrastructure to support the local bootstrap chapter
  6. Guide high-potential ventures through the key stages of the bootstrap process: Ideation, Valley of Death, Growth
  7. Connect the local chapter with the larger Bootstrap Network


Bijoy Goswami: bijoy AT aviri DOT com, 512-474 6155