Bootstrap Blackbelt
Bootstrap Blackbelt is a moderated forum where Bootstrappers can "ask the experts" and receive a few different answers from different perspectives. The panel of Blackbelts will rotate over time but will be kept small in order to keep the list volume to a reasonable level.
Appropriate topics include most things related to starting and running a company.
- How do I know if my idea is a real opportunity?
- When is the right time to raise money?
- Should I get an SBA loan?
- How do I know if I should fire someone?
- Do I need a lawyer?
- How much should I be spending on advertising?
- more...
Every Blackbelt has successfully bootstrapped a company through the Ideation, Valley of Death, and Growth phases. The list is moderated to keep the quality high and volume low. New Blackbelt nominations should be sent to
External Education
Blackbelts can be Evangelists for the Bootstrap approach and can be a resource to promote Bootstrapping to other organizations in the community. Connections with the following organizations exist:
- Rice Alliance - participation in thier annual mentorship program
- Acton MBA - Thursday Speaker Series
Current Blackbelts include
- Joshua Baer, Founded SKYLIST, UnsubCentral - sold to Datran Media
- Bjorn Billhardt, Founded Enspire Learning
- Neelan Choksi, Founded SolarMetric - sold to BEA
- Danny Gutknecht, Founded InHouseAssist
This is not meant to replace other discussion forums, but rather to provide different venues for different types of questions. Some people may choose to only subscribe to one list or another while many will probably subscribe to more than one list.
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