Acton MBA

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Georgia Spaeth


This is an exhaustive 1yr MBA program geared towards entrepreneurship. Acton was founded by ex-UT McCombs professors, all of whom have built their own companies. The program is just a few years old and extremely demanding with a focus on real-world activities like selling. While there is some focus on bootstrapping, there isn't a distinction made between bootstrapping and investor-driven entrepreneurship in the program. Bootstrappers in early Ideation might consider the Acton MBA program. Acton grads are also possible candidates for bootstrap companies. One of the nice features of the program is that graduates are essentially on a kind of full-scholarship. They don't have to immediately pay back the money granted to them, though it's expected that they will eventually contribute to a scholarhip for another student. This makes them better-able than regular MBA grads to starting or joining a bootstrap venture.


  • Geogia Spaeth, Director of Faculty Development (gspaeth AT actonmba DOT org)
  • Jessica Blanchard, Director of Recruiting/PR (jblanchard AT actonmba DOT org)

Specific Areas of Collaboration

  1. Ideation Subgroup and Bootstrap Student members hearing about Acton through the Acton Information Sessions. (Jessica)
  2. Acton profs speaking at Bootstrap Monthly Get-togethers (Georgia)
  3. Bootsrap Blackbelts speaking at the Acton Thursday Speaker Series (Georgia)
  4. Placing Acton grads in Bootstrap companies
  5. Sharing Acton prof notes with the Bootstrap community (Georgia)
  6. other...