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Hi bootstrappers,

BD Tech Daily is a daily email newsletter (see below) produced by Jason and his team at Business District Magazine. Bootstrap has a weekly post on Fridays, which also appear on the Bootstrap Austin blog. I kicked off the weekly posts last year with a series on the stages of bootstrapping from Preideation, Ideation, Valley of Death, Growth and Rebootstrap. I concluded by describing bootstrapping as the third way of entrepreneurship, integrating the best of the other 2 models, the cookie-cutter/franchise and the funding/VC.

Now we are creating an opportunity for the bootstrap community's expertise to be heard with the ability to post to BD Tech Daily and the Bootstrap blog. A number of contributors are already lined up. Brandy had a great post about the Film Subgroup. Next week Kevin will be posting from his blog. And today's post is by Brian Massey, who highlights David Ansel's community-building through story-telling. Notice that Brian also sends people to his Customer Chaos Blog where they can continue the discussion directly with him.

Here's how you can get a new post on BD Tech Daily:

  1. Create a post on a Google doc. See Brian's post for pointers on content and format. Your post should be educational, relevant to some aspect of the bootstrap process and appeal to a broader business audience beyond the bootstrap community.
  2. Share your google doc with me at: sendbijoynews AT gmail
  3. We will go back and forth on editing
  4. Once it's good to go, we will add it to the queue and post it

If you have an existing post that you think would be appropriate send the link.

If you aren't blogging for your business, perhaps this will help spur you on. Regardless of your stage, blogging is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to build credibility and notoriety for you and your venture.

I'm looking forward to all the great posts in the coming months!
