Subgroups are organized around stages and topics.
Subgroups meet, usually on a monthly basis, to help their members build community and learn. Meetings are usually 3 hours and include a social hour followed by an hour of presented content and another hour of socializing.
Current subgroups that gather their members meet on the following schedule:
- 1st Mon: Art Subgroup
- 1st Tue: Inner Journey Subgroup
- 2nd Mon: Valley of Death Subgroup (formerly all-hands meeting)
- 2nd Tue: Style Subgroup
- 3rd Mon: Ideation Subgroup
- 3rd Tue: Web Subgroup
The Experience Subgroup meets on an ad-hoc basis according to when we can visit various Experience Organizations in town.
Every subgroup has a corresponding online group (yahoo or google). You must join the online group to hear about meetings. Members also get help from each other via the online groups. Please follow the following protocols, they preserve the integrity of our online discussions. You manage your online reputation by the way you conduct yourself on the group.
- No promoting your business unless in direct response to a question posed by another bootstrapper asking for help.
- No job requests unless you are filling a position for your company. If you find yourself back in Ideation and having to look for a job, check out Hire Austin and Indeed
- No questions about non-venture-related issues.
- No posts relating to "what's broken about bootstrap." Add these directly to the wiki page Suggestions to Improve Bootstrap or get in touch directly with appropriate leads.
- Represent your needs only. A bootstrapper that needs help must be on the list. Requests for non-bootstrap entities are sent directly to Bijoy.
- DO ask any question that will help you move your venture forward
- DO share resources, news, connections, information that you think will be relevant to your fellow-bootstrappers.
- DO post events you think are of interest (WITHOUT REMINDERS) to the calendar. These could also be any events that your company is putting on that you would like bootstrappers to know about.