Revision as of 15:48, 11 June 2009 by Bijoy (talk | contribs) (Monthly Get-togethers moved to Monthly Meetings)
Bootstrappers build community, knowledge and relationships through our monthly meetings. These meetings are sponsored by various subgroups and occur on these days:
- 1st Mon: Art Subgroup
- 1st Tue: Inner Journey Subgroup
- 2nd Mon: VoD Subgroup (formally all-hands meeting)
- 2nd Tue: Style Subgroup
- 3rd Mon: Ideation Subgroup
- 3rd Tue: Web Subgroup
The Experience Subgroup meets on an ad-hoc basis according to when we can visit various Experience Organizations in town.
Meetings are usually 3 hours and include a social hour followed by an hour of presented content and another hour of socializing.